Annual Reports, Publications


At ActionAid Bangladesh ‘stitching the change’ for rights of people marginalised due to power imbalance and identity politics is the motivation and drive that kept this organisation running for 3 decades. In this report, we attempt to capture the year past with the ‘prouds’ and ‘sorries’, and provide an overview of the work of ActionAid Bangladesh in 2013.
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Annual Reports, Publications


In 2012, we spent a significant time for creating understanding on our new Country Strategy Paper (CSP-IV) and developing programmes in line with the document. Substantial amount of time was also invested in change management process and capacity building of the staff and partners on new CSP and HRBA programming approach. We worked with excluded people and individuals living in poverty and their organisations, movements to build active agencies so that they can lead their own social change process. Our core constituencies were spread across age, sex, location and diverse categories of exclusion. Also, to support people’s action as part of solidarity, we worked with state and non-state actors and institutions.
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Annual Reports, Publications


We spent significant time on Board development and registration process. The Executive Board and Board Committees were engaged in institutional governance. We also developed Country Strategy Paper – IV and carried out change management. South Asia Social Forum was other major engagement. Besides regular work with long-term, strategic, network and project partners, we facilitated 94 Lokokendras (people’s organisations), 18 Self-Help Groups and 813 village farmers’ associations.
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Annual Reports, Publications


The year 2010 was the last year of ActionAid Bangladesh’s (AAB) third Country Strategy Paper (CSP-III) titled “Equality, Citizenship and Justice”. Review of the CSP-III and formulation of the CSP-IV were the major undertakings in 2010 while continuing interventions at different levels to strengthen the fight for the eradication of poverty and injustice. AAB shares the Vision, Mission and Values of global ActionAid.
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