
In the humanitarian context of the Rohingya refugee influx in Bangladesh, AAB is working in cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh. AAB is responsible for the camp management of Mainarghona camp/ extension of Balukhali camp. The accountability mechanism of AAB is not just establishing a system but will enable refugees to participate in the humanitarian aid process and hold humanitarian agencies accountable. In relation to the camp management role and to ensure participation, a number of committees have been formed comprising of Rohingya refugees such as WASH committees, WATCH groups, and Youth groups and etc. As a result, these committees will play an important role to hold humanitarian actors to account on the aid process.


Rohingya refugees started to stream into Bangladesh since August 2017 due to the eruption of extreme violence in Rakhine. While the Rohingya people have now found shelter in Bangladesh, concerns around their security and needs in terms of access to food, protection, health, and WASH services still prevails. ActionAid Bangladesh has been working to fight the Rohingya crisis since the beginning of the influx. ActionAid Bangladesh is primarily working to ensure the protection of women, adolescent girls and children by establishing Women Safe Spaces (WSS) along with child-friendly corners as part of the WSS.
Core Areas Include:

  • Ensure protection through preventing Gender Based Violence (GBV) and abuse by offering psychosocial support and counselling.
  • Providing need-based first-aid medical support as well as referral services.
  • Providing dignity kits, blankets, tents, solar lights, Compact Rice Husk (alternative cooking fuel) and WASH facilities through installation of tube-wells, toilets and bathing spaces.

In addition, ActionAid Bangladesh is implementing a women-centered emergency response to support the Rohingya refugees, focusing on the protection rights of women and girls. Adhering to international human rights law/humanitarian principles, we uphold the rights of the Rohingya for safe, dignified and voluntary repatriation as well as their right to adequate and appropriate humanitarian aid and assistance while in displacement. To this end, we have been focusing our advocacy efforts on identifying and communicating critical humanitarian needs with the participation of the stakeholders. We are also capturing the knowledge and sharing the main concerns and circumstances of this crisis with the local, national and international audiences; for the benefit of all stakeholders. We hope that these efforts will contribute to sensitizing the national and international decision-makers and the civil society to support this cause.

Our Reach

90 Distributed emergency tents

15,786 Distributed blankets

40,000 Complementary food package was provided

5,250 Dignity kits distributed

5000 Women Safe Space

5000 Women and adolescent girls


Joint Statement, Press Release


Water, Rivers, and Climate Change: Creating Space for Resilience

ActionAid Bangladesh Celebrated the 9th International Water Conference 2024
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Annual Reports, Publications



Step into our product catalogue, where craftsmanship meets compassion. Each item showcased here is crafted by Rohingya women, blending innovation with necessity. Our catalogue reflects our commitment to quality, functionality, and style, offering a curated collection that caters to your every need. Discover a diverse range of products designed to elevate your lifestyle. We have selected each item to enhance your everyday experiences. Shopping with us is an experience where practicality meets aesthetics. Every product is carefully chosen to ensure both functionality and beauty, serving as companions on your journey, and making every moment more enjoyable and effortless. We strive for excellence in both product quality and service, ensuring that each item in our catalogue exceeds your expectations. Whether you are treating yourself or searching for the perfect gift, our catalogue offers something special for everyone. Join us in exploring a world of endless possibilities, where each product tells a story.
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Water, Rivers, and Climate Change: Creating Space for Resilience

ActionAid Bangladesh Celebrated the 9th International Water Conference 2024
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Child Rights Advocacy Coalition Bangladesh (CRAC, B) Organizes “Mock UPR with children” to Empower Child Voices and Foster Government Accountability

Expressing joy, Shopna shared, “Participating in the Mock UPR was not only enjoyable but also enlightening about the UPR (Universal Periodic Review). As members representing different countries, it felt like we were sitting in Geneva, sharing our thoughts and providing recommendations for the development of Child Rights in our country. I felt a sense of significance. I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to participate in the UPR at Geneva and represent my country, Bangladesh.”
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"Play, Learn & Grow" Transforming Lives Through Enriched Child Spaces

ActionAid Bangladesh's project, "Play, Learn & Grow” supported by ActionAid Italy, marks a significant milestone as it completes a successful 12 months of implementation.
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Empowering Shishu Bikash Kendro by Edotco & ActionAid

The partnership between ActionAid Bangladesh and Edotco Group seeks to establish a reliable and environmentally sustainable electricity supply in areas where ActionAid Bangladesh works.
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#Child-Led Climate Action at Chanpara Community: #Fund Our Future for a Sustainable World: # Uniting for Climate Justice and Child Rights in 2023

On October 18, 2023, the youth of Chanpara, Bangladesh, assumed a prominent role in the 'Fund our Future' climate justice campaign. They were joined by 280 individuals representing diverse backgrounds, uniting to raise awareness about the adverse effects of climate change in their vulnerable region. The community faces a multitude of challenges, including pollution, overcrowded and substandard housing, a high population density often linked to poverty, and a general lack of environmental consciousness.
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Empowering Children for Climate Action: A Shyamnagar Success Story

Together, we can combat climate change! 🌿#ClimateAction #Fund Our Future #Climate Crisis and Child Rights Crisis"
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Blog, News

Introducing Sahakom Mobile App: Empowering Child Sponsorship Communication through Training of Trainers

ActionAid Bangladesh is thrilled to announce the launch of the Sahakom Mobile App, a groundbreaking technology designed to revolutionize the way we communicate and connect with child sponsors.
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ClimateInjustice #WaterCrisis

I joined my ActionAid Bangladesh colleagues and volunteers engaged in the preparedness initiatives to mitigate the impact of #cycloneMocha.
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Annual Reports, Publications



Step into our product catalogue, where craftsmanship meets compassion. Each item showcased here is crafted by Rohingya women, blending innovation with necessity. Our catalogue reflects our commitment to quality, functionality, and style, offering a curated collection that caters to your every need. Discover a diverse range of products designed to elevate your lifestyle. We have selected each item to enhance your everyday experiences. Shopping with us is an experience where practicality meets aesthetics. Every product is carefully chosen to ensure both functionality and beauty, serving as companions on your journey, and making every moment more enjoyable and effortless. We strive for excellence in both product quality and service, ensuring that each item in our catalogue exceeds your expectations. Whether you are treating yourself or searching for the perfect gift, our catalogue offers something special for everyone. Join us in exploring a world of endless possibilities, where each product tells a story.
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The Power Within

Since its establishment in 1983, ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB) has been at the forefront of disaster response and climate change adaptation efforts in Bangladesh. We prioritise gender-sensitive approaches, empowering women as leaders during emergencies. In partnership with UN Women, we are dedicated to empowering Rohingya women and girls in the refugee camp. Our project centred around Multi-purpose Women's Centres (MPWC), aiming to address the diverse needs of this vulnerable population, and recognise the critical role of women in building stronger communities. Our goal is clear: to empower Rohingya women and girls. Through MPWCs, we offer tailored services like psychosocial support, healthcare, leadership training, and livelihood skill development. We equip women with tools to assert their rights, build confidence, and drive change in their communities. This storybook captures the empowering journey of Rohingya women and girls in the world's largest refugee camp. May these stories inspire hope, courage, and meaningful conversations. We must create a world where every woman is valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.
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Rohingya refugees are reported to have been physically and mentally traumatized by the violence, including sexual and gender-based violence. ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB) is specifically working to ensure the rights of women and children, and safeguarding them against the trauma of the crisis by building Women Friendly Spaces (WFS) and child-friendly corners as part of the WFS. In addition to looking after their nutrition and WASH needs, the WFS will also provide emotional support, ensuring that their psyches are not permanently impacted in a negative manner due to the violence they lived through. Alongside providing shelter and WASH needs, AAB is willing to provide dignity kits that are geared toward the cold weather of the winter months. Additionally, the women friendly spaces work to prevent Gender-based violence (GBV) and abuse and offer counselling to women who have faced abuse or violence. Apart from directly w
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Rohingya refugees are reported to have been physically and mentally traumatized by the violence, including sexual and gender-based violence. ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB) is specifically working to ensure the rights of women and children, and safeguarding them against the trauma of the crisis by building Women Friendly Spaces (WFS) and child-friendly corners as part of the WFS. In addition to looking after their nutrition and WASH needs, the WFS will also provide emotional support, ensuring that their psyches are not permanently impacted in a negative manner due to the violence they lived through. Alongside providing shelter and WASH needs, AAB is willing to provide dignity kits that are geared toward the cold weather of the winter months. Additionally, the women friendly spaces work to prevent Gender-based violence (GBV) and abuse and offer counselling to women who have faced abuse or violence. Apart from directly w


Background The current Rohingya population taking refuge in Bangladesh amounts to over 1 million, with the majority comprising women and children. They are one of the most vulnerable groups of people deprived of basic human rights in the world today. Subjected to violence and conflict, and unrecognized as citizens of Myanmar, they f
