Annual Reports, Publications


The Annual Report is but a glimpse into the life of ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB). While it is not possible to do justice to the entire gamut of our activities in one report, we invite the reader to a brief tour of our world through these pages. Here you will find highlights of AAB engagements with women, adolescent girls, young people, marginalised communities and grassroots organizations.
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In Bangladesh, nutrition and SRH care are interlinked problems: poor food intake causes malnourishment, which leads to poor health and poor SRH perpetuates the inter-generational cycle of undernourishment. Deficiencies in nutrition and SRH care result in poor labor productivity and market performance. One of the key factors leading to (women’s) intake of poor nutritional food at home, poor reproductive, maternal and sexual health stems from lack of life skills (on SRH). Thus, poor reproductive health conditions adversely affect women’s ability to participate in activities outside of the home, which in turn manifests itself as their inability to participate in and shape the market.
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Creating an enabling environment for civil society and human rights defenders to protect the affected communities from the negative impact of large scale infrastructural development projects and violation of human rights. Advocating for reform the land acquisition, compensation and resettlement related policies, and provisioning for safeguard measures in foreign investment projects.
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The campaigns against gender based violence are largely focused on making women more aware to prevent violent situations or what to do when such instances arise unexpectedly. The campaign “ Nari, e juddhe tumi eka nou” lists down emergency response centers and their contacts categorized according to districts. In addition to that, another campaign focuses on the needs of women friendly service centers. The main objective of such centers entail to stop gender based violence and providing social and psychological protection along with legal advice. Further to provide entertainment, social status and networking opportunities for girls, women and children. Gaining Social assistance and improving on required work skills are also expected from such centers. Such centers are also equally applicable for disaster stricken areas. During such instanc
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Impact Stories

Story of Jahidul

Jahedul is a 15 year old boy from Nilphamari studying in a local secondary school. He is passionate about drawing and wants to support children in Child Space to learn drawing.
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Impact Stories

Story of Ashesh Chakma

In 2010 ActionAid formed the community Journalist Group (This group consists of 17 members like community children, teachers, local journalist, and staffs of partner organizations etc.
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In Bangladesh, nutrition and SRH care are interlinked problems: poor food intake causes malnourishment, which leads to poor health and poor SRH perpetuates the inter-generational cycle of undernourishment. Deficiencies in nutrition and SRH care result in poor labor productivity and market performance. One of the key factors leading to (women’s) intake of poor nutritional food at home, poor reproductive, maternal and sexual health stems from lack of life skills (on SRH). Thus, poor reproductive health conditions adversely aff
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Programmatic interventions of AAB engage young people, living in exclusion, particularly with young women and marginalized groups that are excluded based on their identity and locality. And all these engagements are meant to create spaces for young people to convene, facilitate and co-create with the local struggles and connect with progressive social movements, at local, national, regional and international levels.
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There have never been so many young people alive at once at any other point in history. This massive number means that youth is now the main driver of national, social and economic change.
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Rana Plaza incident: Survivors are yet to recover

This year Rana Plaza tragedy marked 6th year of the largest industrial accident in the country’s history taking place. Bangladesh RMG sector saw comprehensive reforms and improvements in different areas such as workplace
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This project works with women to help empower them within their households and the community including a contribution to decision making. This is achieved by training them about their rights, and sustainable money generating activities such as climate resilient agriculture. This project also works with families to help reduce women’s…
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