Impact Stories

Story of Khadiza

Reading in class 2, Khadiza is an 8 year old girl belongs to an underprivileged family. People from low income family like her face hurdles as their house could not protect them from the cold, as well as they have inadequate warm clothes
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Impact Stories

Story of Nurnahar

Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in supplying safe water to its citizens, yet serious disparities in coverage persist across both rural and urban areas.
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Impact Stories

Story of Selina

Selina Begum, 37 years of age, a confident lady from Nilphamari. In 2008, Selina along with 30 other members engaged in a reflect group arranged by Action Aid to identify problems in their community and taking counter actions.
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Impact Stories

Rights and Redistributive Justice for Resilience Building: A Social Movement

75 years old Jainal has been paying taxes over his 3.73 acres of land, still he did not have any entitlement to it. In Bangladesh, more than 4.5 million people remain landless mostly due to lack of information on policy instruments and inadequate accountability mechanism.
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Impact Stories

Children’s Note to Climate Change

When the children were asked to express how they feel about the occurrence of frequent and intensified disasters, they left those powerful messages for the world through writing letters to hazards.
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Impact Stories

Expanding civic participation a case from Protiva Lokokendro

`Protiva’ Lokokendro ensured separate budgetary allocation for women and children from in the budget of Bamunia Union Council of Nilphamari district. Protiva lokokendro consists of 6 reflect circles of Bamunia Union which were established a few years ago in the working area of Udayankur Seba Sangstha (USS).
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Impact Stories

Realising young women’s rights to employment in Kushtia

In Kushtia, especially in the remote villages, young women are not allowed to do social work, especially work that would require house-to-house visit, because of conservatism, social stigma and religious beliefs. Sathi Kathun, 21 years old and Mukrima Khatun 19 years were not spared from these social norms.
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Impact Stories

Nizam: A story of life biker

Nizam (27) is an inhabitant of North Bakalia of Chattogram City Corporation. Dependent on the incomes of his day labourer father, Nizam's parents could not bear education expenses of their children. Consequently, Nizam dropped out from school when he was in tenth grade. He passed idle time and remained jobless for eight years.
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Impact Stories

Afroza: A story of a young entrepreneur

Afroza, an 18-year-old young woman, living in Uttar Pahartoli of Chattogram City Corporation area of Bangladesh. This area is full of domestically migrated marginalised people who come from different districts in order to find a job.
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