Country Strategy Paper, Publications

Country Strategy Paper, Publications

Country Strategy Paper, Publications


ActionAid Bangladesh's Work in DRM

ActionAid Bangladesh is working in disaster risk management with an unique, inclusive and responsive approach. It emphasises the role of partnership and involves participation from multi-level stakeholders, spanning from community to national level. With the aim to specially empower the most vulnerable groups of disaster, we introduced ‘ Women and Young People-Led Disaster Management’ approach in 2013. As part of state level advocacy, we have contributed to national Disaster Management Act in 2012, National Disaster Management Policy in 2015 and in Standing Orders on Disaster in 2019 in Bangladesh. We also have successfully initiated the process of establishing the first ever Private Sector Emergency Operations Centre in Bangladesh and South Asia.
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Financing Local Adaptation

ActionAid is committed to create an enabling environment at national level for just allocation and distribution especially for people living in poverty, particularly women, marginalized communities, and children. AAB, in association with experts, academicians, scientists and other stakeholders, conducted a study “Financing Local Adaptation: Ensuring Access for the Climate Vulnerable in Bangladesh”. It captures ground experiences to provide some guidelines for a structure that ensures equitability, transparency, and effectiveness. Based on this study, AAB has been strongly advocating for achieving climate finance justice and a climate-resilient future for those most at risk.
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